What We Do

The Community Impact Network of Adams, Clay, Nuckolls, and Webster Counties serves as a connecting and partnership hub that aligns the work of all to support the success and well-being of individuals, families, and communities in this region of Nebraska.

We do this by:

Helping meet short-term, emergency needs such as…

  • Rental and utility payment assistance
  • Gas vouchers
  • Work-related expenses

Helping anyone develop their own solutions through…

  • Coaching for budgeting, parenting, employment, and more
  • Application and enrollment assistance (for federal programs, Medicaid, etc)

Working together as a community

Coordinating stakeholders in a comprehensive and collaborative response to meet the immediate and long-term needs of the community.

Bridging Forward

Launched in June 2022: Bridging Forward, an innovative collaborative effort to reduce poverty 30% by 2030.

The Community Impact Network uses the Collective Impact Model that emphasizes:

  • Common Agenda
  • Shared measurement
  • Continuous communication
  • Mutually reinforcing activities
  • Backbone support

Our Staff

Erin Trausch
Erin TrauschCentral Navigator
Erin is a long-time supporter of non profits. She worked in early education for 7 years, and then continued on to parenting education, support services and case management. Erin joined CIN to continue to work with youth and families in our community and to help individuals navigate community resources that are available. She also wants to continue to collaborate with agencies to build a strong network for our community.
Brady Rhodes
Brady RhodesCollaborative Coordinator
Brady is a long-time educator, non-profit administrator, facilitator and community organizer with 30 years of teaching, management, development and implementation experience. Much of his work with schools, community organizations and nonprofits has focused on developing collaborations that grow individuals and communities.
Zayra Navarrete
Zayra NavarreteBilingual Central Navigator
Zayra is a starting navigator and advocate for others. With her bilingual skills she has helped improve and make it easier for communities to communicate their needs. She has business experience as she has her associates in business administration and is one year away from her bachelor’s degree. Zayra joined the Community Impact network to help make an impact in the community, especially the spanish speaking community.

Our Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is a diverse group of community stakeholders who play a vital role in the work of the Community Impact Network. They are tasked with managing the strategic work of the Collaborative: maintaining a long-term vision, strengthening the partnerships within the Network and aligning the communities to a common agenda for community success.

Adam Story – Hastings Police Department

Andy Springer – St Croix Hospice, Chaplian

Brandee Schram – First United Methodist Church

Dan Peters – Hastings Community Foundation

Doug Ourada – UW SCNE Board – Eaton Manufacturing

Drew Harris – ESU 9

Janis Johnson – South Heartland District Health Dept

Jason Ackles – UW SCNE Board, GTA Insurance

Lisa Hubl – UW SCNE Board, Dept of Labor

Matt Baack – Skalka & Baack Law Firm LLC

Sean Griffin – CCC

Paul Hamelink – CEO, 201 N Lincoln Ave

Susan Meeske – Mary Lanning Healthcare Foundation

Jodi Graves – United Way of SCNE, ED

Erin Trausch – Central Navigator (Ex-officio member)

Our Action Teams

In February and March of 2021, dedicated community members participated in a series of Community Forums over a six-week period. The goal of the forums was to collectively name what is needed and wanted in this part of Nebraska to help everyone thrive. The process identified four Key Focus Areas. Each Focus Area was then the centering pole around which an Action Team formed to further explore that area and begin working on solutions. The Focus Areas and associated Action Teams include:

  • Resource and Resource Access
  • Representation and Equity
  • Supporting Vulnerable Populations
  • Building an Urgency for Community Resilience.

In August of 2022, an Early Childhood Task Force was created to help prioritize, strategize and connect efforts related to numerous Early Childhood work happening throughout the four-county area.

Each Action Team has a unique leadership and meeting cadence and is always open to new team members.

Our County Core Teams

Geographic representation and equity will always be an essential element of our collaborative.  One way we are working to address that challenge is through representative teams from Clay, Nuckolls, and Webster counties.  These vital teams are made up of several well-networked individuals who can accurately represent the needs and issues of their region as well as share out resources and opportunities available through the Collaborative.

How to Get Involved

Individual Volunteer Opportunities

If you are interested in participating in one of the Action Teams, a County Core Team, or the Steering Committee, please contact Brady Rhodes at coordinator@unitedwayscne.org or at 402-461-8417.

I Need Help

The Community Impact Network is here for you.  In order to best serve you, please fill out the initial intake form below and we will be in touch with you.  If you need immediate assistance, please dial *211 from any phone.