What Is This?
A full-day of action-oriented problem solving that weaves together state and local prevention efforts to make long-term impacts in the community.
October 10th will be a fantastic convening of more than 50 area programs, non-profits and institutions as well as multiple private businesses, state-level entities and community experts. The Community Impact Network will be hosting this opportunity to build a better community-based prevention system that will increase incomes of local residents, reduce reliance on government assistance and capitalize on the partnerships needed for such an effort.
Why Is This Important?
Twenty-three Community Collaboratives throughout Nebraska are working with state-level partners to reshape the child and family wellbeing system and everyone needs a place at the table! This multi-year effort to shift the paradigm of how we can all work together to support families and grow Nebraska has the local community at the center: driving local connections, capitalizing on strengths and tracking impact. The Bring Up Nebraska/CIN Collaborative Summit is one of four meetings taking place in 2024 for local stakeholders to meet with state-wide Departments of Labor, Education, Economic Development, Health and Human Services, Economic Assistance and other agencies to coordinate efforts to build the most robust Community Well-being Prevention system in the country by 2025.
Location: Hastings Auditorium – 400 N. Hastings Ave
10:15am – Optional Coffee Networking. A casual opportunity to meet local and state-wide partners.
11:00am – Welcome!
11:15am – Program: Community Impact Network Showcase
12:00pm – Lunch (Runcie’s Catering)
12:15pm – Presentation/Keynote: Jerry Milner – Family Justice Group “Integrating Local and Statewide Partners” – see Dr. Milner’s bio here
12:45pm – State Partners Sharing of Commitments, Future Work
1:00pm – Collaborative Table Work (facilitated small group problem-solving focused on complex local challenges that need diverse stakeholder collaboration)
1:50pm – Next Steps/Take Aways
2:00pm – Complete
Statewide Plan for Community Well-being
A multi-tiered strategic plan to create a system that supports families to sustainability BEFORE a crisis occurs has been in the works for several years…bringing together habitually siloed entities into broader collective work:
By 2025, we will…
- Improve authentic collaboration between lived experience partners, system partners, local school districts, and community collaboratives and community members.
- Increase community collaborative infrastructure that leads to equitable well-being outcomes.
- Improve services and supports that build Protective and Promotive Factors in children, youth, families, and communities, including:
- Education, postsecondary education, and career services and support for children, youth, families, and communities hosted both inside and outside of the traditional school day.
- Supports and services for youth/young adults and young parents/families.
- Access to and increased capacity of early childhood services in communities.
- Access to and increased capacity of physical and behavioral health services in communities.
- Access to economic stability and concrete support for children, youth, families, and communities.
- Strengthen the well-being workforce in Nebraska.
- Education, postsecondary education, and career services and support for children, youth, families, and communities hosted both inside and outside of the traditional school day.
- Supports and services for youth/young adults and young parents/families.
- Access to and increased capacity of early childhood services in communities.
- Access to and increased capacity of physical and behavioral health services in communities.
- Access to economic stability and concrete support for children, youth, families, and communities.